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8.2.6 Mono-deuterium diethyl amine cation radical [a027]

The substitution of hydrogen by deuterium in the amine group (NH) of the cation radical [a026] will produce the following effects: a) an increase in the number of theoretical lines from $5\cdot 3 \cdot 2 = 30$ to $5\cdot 3 \cdot 3 = 45$; b) a decrease in the hyperfine splitting $a_D = a_H \cdot 0.1535$ mT and c) a reduction in the length of the spectrum.

With these considerations, interpret the spectrum (Fig. 33); load the EPR simulator and measure the hyperfine splittings of each nucleus. Compare its length with that of the undeuterated radical.

Figure 33: EPR spectrum of the mono-deuterium diethyl amine cation radical.



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Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Departamento de Química Física Aplicada